Monday, January 17, 2011

“Life’s better with company. Everyone needs a co-pilot.” –Up in the Air

These words stand so true. Today, January 17, 2011, I sit and think about how my life was two months ago. I was happy, very happy. My life was good. Good family, good friends, work, school, etc. I even had a boyfriend, a very exceptional boyfriend. Five days after two months ago from today, my very happy turned to extremely sad. It’s not the kind of, “you ate my last cookie” or “I failed my big exam” sad. It was the “I thought my life was all planned out” kind of sad. I was confused, betrayed, and in denial. The man I thought loved me no longer did, and I did not understand it, nor did I want to. See, I had it all figured out, or so I thought. We had our lives planned out. And, I know, God’s plans are bigger than mine, and everything works out in His timing. I pray that I get my co-pilot back or the perfect co-pilot that God places at the altar for me. Let God plan your life. Let God find your co-pilot.