Friday, November 26, 2010

breakup blues

i don't know why this happened
i don't know why he doesn't care
where did the feelings go?
a week ago, they were there

we had fun times together
rarely did we fight
i miss the hugs he gave me
and the "i love you, goodnight"

i pray each day his feelings come back
i don't know what else to do
there's nothing else i can say
to the one i love so true

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


How do you care without looking selfish?

How do you show love by wanting him to stay?

When do the "what ifs" cease to exist?

And, when do you see answers to the prayers you pray?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It’s Time To Bring Back the Spark

Some may say a good relationship primarily consists of physical activity. Someone else may say that it is all about their individual success. Their individual statuses make them grow as a couple. I however, define a good relationship as happiness and love. Blah, blah, blah. Yes, we have all heard it before, but really who wants to be in a relationship with an unhappy person?

I know I don’t. I want a relationship where I can trust the other person. I want him to trust me as well. I would love for us to have our own set of friends. If I need a girl’s night out, then I’ll go, and he can have his night with the boys. But, we should also get along with each other’s friends. It’s good to mingle as long as there is an understanding that you are committed in your relationship.

Have you seen the couples that say they are happy and that “everything is wonderful”? Have you noticed their body language? Let’s say that you are at dinner with your fiancĂ©. He introduces you to his boss and wife at a nearby table. You know they have issues. She is clearly stressed about something and he just eats his food without saying a word. Conversation is dead. When they leave, he doesn’t even touch her. No arm around the waist. Nothing! It’s nonsense. Do you want your relationship to be that way? I think not! Make it a happy relationship. It doesn’t take hard labor, it just takes effort.

1. When you see your boyfriend, fiancĂ©, ect…tell him he looks good. Ask him if he has been to the gym. He loves the attention. Grab his arms and talk about how big they have gotten. Don’t make his ego too big though. All guys love this. It lets them know that you do look at them. Sometimes guys don’t think that they are buff enough. They even think they are fat at times. It’s silly because we know they are gorgeous. We just need to remind them.

2. Send him an email during the day, while he is at work. Just tell him what you love about him. He may even send you a response.

3. Let there be sparks in your relationship again. If you are married or you just don’t date as much as you used to, ask if ya’ll can go out, just the two of you. If you really haven’t been out in a while, don’t go to the movies. Guys get tired of that, especially chick flicks. That’s what your girlfriends are for. Girls, I know that they don’t make a big deal about it at the time, but on the inside they are waiting for the blood and gore. Do something spontaneous. Go on a weekend vacation, or go dancing. Do something that will bring back the sparks in the relationship.

I bet you are wondering who is she to be giving relationship advice? I may be only 19, but I’ve dated my fair share of jerks, and even some really nice guys. I’ve watched plenty of movies, and I really just felt like writing. I’ll stop my dramatic rage about relationships now. To end this, at 3:30 am, I just want to say, if the spark is not there, bring it back. It just might save your relationship.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Six More Months

"Come home soon", she cried one night

"You've been gone too long. It doesn't feel right."

Her heart is lonely, her body is weak

He tells her "in time" that she'll be able to sleep

He is a soldier, six more months until he returns to friends and family

Six more months until it's his face she sees

Six more months until he can give her his heart

Six more months until it's "death do us part"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

i love you

We always say "i love you"

but never what we love

I love the way you hold me

and look into my eyes

I love it when we dance

before you kiss me goodnight

I love when you make sure "I'm good"

before we get off the phone

I love that you know I will be okay

even if I end up spending my night alone

I love all of these things about you and more

You are truly the one I adore

Friday, April 30, 2010

your type?

I think there are 3 types of guys out there. These guys are different yet similar. They are all male, they all have male thoughts, but they carry out their thoughts differently.

Guy #1:HE MAY BE THE HIGHSCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER, THE COLLEGE FRAT BOY, OR JUST THE GUY THAT BUMPS INTO YOU AT THE COFFEE SHOP. This guy knows that he's gorgeous, and he knows that you know it too. He also has this little book of the perfect things to say to a girl. I don't know where he bought it, but it's got some obscene lines. He could be that guy that you met through your friend. Even though she told you he was bad news, you went for it. Because, why? He's cute, and he likes you. When was the last time you saw this guy? Oh! He was busy? ANY GUY THAT IS CONSTANTLY TOO BUSY TO SEE YOU IS NOT WORTH IT! How will the rest of your life go? No one knows that, but if you are "with" (talking to, dating, seeing, texting; whatever!) a guy who doesn't have time to see the girl he "likes", then I think you are wasting your time.

Guy #2: THE CLINGER! This guy wants to see you. We all know that. Have you been with a guy that calls you 24/7. No, I don't mean, calls a lot. I'm talking about as soon as you hang up the phone, you get another call. Who is it from? HIM. He may be the jealous type, too. He wants to know why you didn't answer, who you were on the phone with, who you were thinking about. It's an on going thing, and it never stops. He wants to see you all day everyday, and it's not because he loves you. Oh no, it's because he is obsessed with you. This guy isn't Mr. Wonderful. That is number 3!

Guy #3: THE MAN THAT WILL GO TO EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES TO KEEP A SMILE ON YOUR FACE. We've all seen this guy. He's in the movies or the flower shop buying the perfect bouquet of flowers for his girl. He knows what she likes and doesn't like. He buys her chocolates because he can. He takes her out! OUT! He doesn't hide her. She's his trophy. He will kiss her in public, nothing dramatic, just simple and sweet. He holds her hand. He dances with her. He knows when she is upset. He knows that even if one situation doesn't turn out right, she will be okay. He takes care of her. He cares about her. He truly loves her!